Punk Drive


Punk Drive - Speed painting. 1 Hour, photoshop.


pratheek said...

whoa!! the latest two posts are super awesome... man, damn neat!! way to go... and keep posting more coolness

Manoj a menon said...

cool and nest...
lots of effort put and its reflected neatly..happy to so someone still 'sketching'...i was under the impression that it was 'forced extinct'...

my fave is the abduction scene..
loved it


Juan Bauty said...

Hi Rosh, thanks for stopping by my blog a few weeks ago :-) your work is incredible!

Unknown said...

@prateek - Thanks bro. Now i know the more rough i go with the brushes, u like 'em better :D trying to brush more coolness then
@ Manoj- Thank you..thank you.. :) 'm still sketching, starting from the day we met in toonz. still pushing poses and working on compositions .. I'm really glad to see your comment sir.

@juan- Thanks a lot. I really liked your blog too.

Sneha said...

fantastic work...