Hate War!

Hate War? lol!! both goes to same category still one can stop the other if everyone agree to do it with me ! :D :D

"Can anything be stupider than that a
man has the right to kill me because he
lives on the other side of a river and his
ruler has a quarrel with mine, though
I have not quarreled with him?"
- Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal is right! Nobody have the power to deny one's right to live!

here's the first one in my Anti-war poster series plan :)

hope u like it!

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

" I want to fly where no seagull has flown before. I want to know what there is to know about life!"

" Son, this may not be the best life, but it's all we know."

" There's got to be more to life than fighting for fish heads! "

....... Dedicated to the real Jonathan Livingston Seagull who lives within us all.

my workflow..in steps

THE HATCHET pin-up 2

Another promotional pinup done for out forthcoming Graphic novel. Original line art and script by :iconkish-m: and pencil shades and colors by Me :iconmirchiz:

too early to reveal anything about the story. Thank you all for all your encouragement and support :hug:. Hope we lives up to the expectations .


" hmmm...may be knee is just not the right place to fix the heart ..but i'm not sure if i should tell him. he's the boss here. he drinks brain juice and do crazy research. not me! .. time to waste another heart...it seems :( "

i came here to talk


a very experimental piece of work..

secret revealed :D

Done in A3 paper, pasted the human figure ,cut in a lil thick paper, on it...with a pretty old toothbrush and diluted ink for the spray effect and a sponge piece for the thick fog. sprayed poster color white smudged with my friend's iron Nan-chak ( i didn't find any tool to smudge it before it gets dry ...and yeah, he doesn't know yet,unless he noticed the white patches :lol: ) and the whole thing cropped and inverted in photoshop.. a few drops of blood with a ps brush and some letters on top..fit in a frame..

lemme know if u guys like the result :D :D

"I just came here to talk... "

hmmmm! .