White Tiger Snooker Table

.. A frame captured in mind on my last Bangalore Trip and recaptured in Photoshop :)




"Goodbye dear mountains, I'm moving into the concrete jungle ."

Rocks, the road and the turquoise Thunderbird convertible '

I was watching 'Thelma and Louise (1991)' . Fell in love with the Grand canyon. The dust, the rocks and the orange-yellow tint. Here's my take on the place i've seen only in the movies :D

Sequencial Art Works

From those projects that happened and didn't happen in the last year :)

Art by Kishore Mohan and Inks and colors by Rosh ( ya, that's me)

A Page From my short comic " The Loop" .. Story and Art by Me

Simple thoughts and a simple style test

Cloud outrun! Ever tried? or did you grow up infront of a comp?

What Mosses Saw ..


A Seasonal friend.

Caught Wet-handed

some new works

Silence of the sheep ...

Music,rain,blanket,coffee..a lazy sunday morning...

Ooh..what's that smell?

Graveyard of paperboats

...After the long voyage, all the boats came to a stop
at the ultimate graveyard of paper boats...
Damped, drowning and dead..
..And I ran home,smiling, dreaming of a bigger,better one...

The Bigfish Ride

Rapunzel's plight (a collab with kish's poetry)

ten million fireflies

Cats and the moon

Early morning painting

Experimenting on colors again

Concept art and study- part1

The sea


The path

The dream
The Tourists

The Search Party

The Enemy Planet

Forbidden city

Alien ship

City of peace

I'm on fire!

Mecha- the strange A.M.I.N.A.L

Tree of resurrection