ha ha ..true FAN art! I'm playing it on my psp 24x7! the game's awesome..
... A test design for Sinu's 'The Hood' :) I'm not gonna introduce sinu or hood in here.. u gotta wait for it..until it's Time :-D
Well, a poster design for an upcoming Event. just a promotional poster,nothing more. this is Mr.hood. i am not authorized to reveal more about him :) so wait.
Taken.... to Glory...
A couple of experiments on Wolverine :)
The Mighty Version
My fav - The Skinny version
Started this new routine of doing at least one cleaned up sketch every day. so here's a post with latest sketches i did on paper. mostly famous comic heroes ,with some stylization.. inspired by various artists and styles.. but my own frames, my own imagination of the shot.. it's just a few heroes i borrowed :)
This is for you kish. and for your Aphrodite. My stylization of his 'mightiness'
Death of Superman
Had been visualizing the death of Superman and victory of Lux in mind ever since i started watching Smallvillie :) Finally, i put it on paper. Here's my hero, struck down with kryptonite .
All time Favorite since my childhood. time to pay Tribute:) Son of the jungle is out to get his prey.